HiFi DNA Polymerase Hot-Start

Catalog Number: #3000

Key Features

End-Point, Real-Time

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Product Overview
Product Name HiFi DNA Polymerase Hot-Start
Catalog Number #3000

HiFi DNA Polymerase Hot-Start is an aptamer-based hot-start, high fidelity hyperthermophilic recombinant DNA polymerase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus. HiFi DNA Polymerase Hot-Start exhibits 5' to 3' polymerase activity and 3' to 5' exonuclease activity. The optimized buffer chemistry facilitates high sensitivity, yield, specificity, robust and rapid polymerase processivity. The enzyme is ideal for long, complex, difficult DNA templates and is resistant to PCR inhibitors. HiFi DNA Polymerase Hot-Start has a lower error rate than standard Taq DNA polymerase (100x) and therefore, is suitable for PCR applications where higher accuracy is needed.

Application End-Point, Real-Time
Further Specification

100 U: 2 U/µl, 1 x 0.05 ml HiFi DNA Polymerase Hot-Start; 1 x 1.7 ml 5x HiFi Buffer; 1 x 1.7 ml 10x HiFiOpt Enhancer

500 U: 2 U/µl, 1 x 0.25 ml HiFi DNA Polymerase Hot-Start; 3 x 1.7 ml 5x HiFi Buffer; 2 x 1.7 ml 10x HiFiOpt Enhancer

Storage and Shipping
Storage -20°C
Shipping Cold packs / dry ice