qPCR Lyo-Ready Mix

Catalog Number: #4401

Key Features

End-Point, Real-Time, Lyophilized

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Product Overview
Product Name qPCR Lyo-Ready Mix
Catalog Number #4401

qPCR Lyo-Ready Mix is a universal probe mix that allows robust, sensitive, and fast qPCR for the detection of single or multiplex DNA targets. qPCR Lyo-Ready Mix contains optimized excipients, buffer, PCR enchancers and an antibody-regulated hot-start Taq DNA polymerase and is ready to be lyophilized to produce stable reagents at room temperature. Upon addition of target specific primers/probes to the mastermix, the mixture can be lyophilized directly, without the need to add additional excipients. qPCR Lyo-Ready Mix is compatible with several probes such as TaqMan® and Scorpions®.

Application End-Point, Real-Time, Lyophilized
Further Specification

500 rxn: 4 x 1.25 ml qPCR Lyo-Ready Mix (2x)

10 000 rxn: 100 ml qPCR Lyo-Ready Mix (2x)

Storage and Shipping
Storage -20°C
Shipping Cold packs / dry ice