Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix (+high ROX / low ROX)

Catalog Number: #6201

Key Features

End-Point, Real-Time

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Product Overview
Product Name Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix (+high ROX / low ROX)
Catalog Number #6201

Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix has all necessary components for sensitive and reliable RT-qPCRs. It includes an aptamer-based fast-start formulated enzyme blend of a robust Taq DNA polymerase and an engineered thermostable Volcano3G® DNA polymerase with reverse transcriptase activity. With the combination of optimized reaction buffer, ultrapure dNTPs and a blue stain for visualization, Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix reduces the need for sample extraction and sample lysis. Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix enables amplification of RNA target sequences with quick and easy PCR protocols, even including "zero-step" amplification. Supplied with high ROX concentration (500 nM) or low high ROX concentration (50 nM).

For more information, please check :
Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix (+high ROX)


Application End-Point, Real-Time
Further Specification

S pack: 1 x 1.25 ml Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix (+high ROX)

S pack: 1 x 1.25 ml Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix (+low ROX)

M pack: 5 x 1.25 ml Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix (+high ROX)

M pack: 5 x 1.25 ml Volcano3G® RT-PCR Probe 2x Master Mix (+low ROX)

Storage and Shipping
Storage -20°C
Shipping Cold packs

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Kuiper, J. W., Baade, T., Kremer, M., Kranaster, R., Irmisch, L., Schuchmann, M., ... & Hauck, C. R. (2020). Detection of SARS-CoV-2 from raw patient samples by coupled high temperature reverse transcription and amplification. PloS one, 15(11), e0241740.

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Chovancova, P., Merk, V., Marx, A., Leist, M., & Kranaster, R. (2017). Reverse-transcription quantitative PCR directly from cells without RNA extraction and without isothermal reverse-transcription: a ‘zero-step’RT-qPCR protocol. Biology Methods and Protocols, 2(1), bpx008.